My Chrismas survivial guide

Billedresultat for christmas vacation tree


Everybody has their own Clark Griswald kind of Christmas. It can be awful. You just sit there eat way too much, drink way too much, try WAY hard and let Christmas come and go.

We have all been there, with a crazy family and a crazy holiday time...

Here is my Chrismas survival guide:

1. Chill
Try not to be the one who ruins things with being too negative or having too high expectations. Everybody is probably doing what they can. Sometimes you just have to let go. forgive and forget.

2. Laugh
Sometimes the best way to get out of a really odd or awkward conversation with some family member is to smile and laugh.
It can comprehend fights or whatever might effect Christmas mood.

3. Start a project
If you sit and fiddle with something under conversations and stuff it can get your mind somewhere else.

You could knit and if you don't know how to, learn it! Watch some youtube videos, this can really be a life saver...

Draw, this one is probably more difficult. People don't always see drawing the same way they see knitting...

Make Christmas stars and hearts. You can always get kids in on that, and be like
"Well, I kind of have to watch the kids do this... They need my help"

Bake something. When you come, just say "Oh I didn't have time to make these cookies, so I'm just gonna throw them in the oven"

If you have something else you always fiddle with, just use that...

4. Your mind
Try to keep your mind open,
trust me even if you just sit there and think about ways to burn the house down, don't...
If you keep repeating to yourself
'I wanna be somewhere else, I wanna talk to someone else, i don't want to be here. I don't. I don't I DON'T!'
It will affect the spirit of Christmas and you will just get in a bad mood. That would ruin Christmas too.

I hope some of this was helpful.
This is my first lifestyle post.

Comment if you think I should do more lifestyle.

Merry Christmas!

Follow me on social media!

Twitter: Desíré_clara

Instagram: Clara_Desiré

Pinterest: Clara_Desiré


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